- formerly | Joe's Story

This is Joe's Story on Kate.

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Hello. My name is Joe, and I got sexually harassed by Kate Mae. It all started on the 24th of November at 21:18 when I was asked out of the blue how old I was

and if I wanted to date her. It then became her obsession to talk about my Assault Case and my personal life. She claimed she was led on. ( How? and proof? )

I have screenshots (attached) about how she asked me out of the blue and how I didn't lead her on, I also got given her number, email, and snap ( Anything under the sun to contact her.)

This became her daily addiction to message me and 'check on me'. I'm not the type of person to say, "FUCK OFF YOU TWAT I DON'T LIKE YOU" I just had to sit there and endure the pain.

I did not lead her on, If anything she tried to manipulate me into bringing her back into HO and being her BF. To anyone reading this, Kate's website is a LIE I didn't lead her on, I got Sexually Harassed.

-Noah: To contact Joe, please call the Moderley helpline on +44 3331 12 50 56

I'm going to attach a few photos for proof in link form below.